And I swear I'm trying to fix that and pick it back up. Things have been just slightly crazy lately. Just a quick summary update - Alan had
a mini-rejection ish episode about a month ago. He was treated with IV steroids and bounced right out of it. Off oxygen and off a whole bunch of his meds at this point.
Then - a few weeks ago, I finally was laid off. The death of the real estate industry caught up to me. Not too bad on timing because I just finished my training to be a CNA. I take my test to be certified in the state next Wednesday. I'm pretty nervous because I actually have a job lined up - which is contingent upon me passing and getting my license.
Not too much else exciting to report. I was really hoping that my time of unemployment would bring about a flurry of domestic activity on my part. No such luck. Still just as much of a slacker without working. We're lucky to keep the little guy fed and medicated and maybe a couple loads of laundry done a day.
Latest project is trying to get this guy interested in food. We just saw his GI doc today and we've decided to give dairy a try. maybe he'll be a bit more interested with some yummier options to taste. Might have strawberry yogurt for snack in just a little bit and see how that goes over. Here's a shot of him one tube-less evening before we replaced one of the NG's he'd yanked. And here's my cute little executive office assistant sorting out the sticky notes.
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